True wireless coverage coming
In conjunction with the uncertainty of Clear Wireless Corporation |(CLWR) LightSquard is emerging as the top player in providing affordable wholesale wireless technology to the entire market but especially the rural market that makes up about 28% of untapped market base.
[Fact Sheet]
LightSquard: “LightSquared is building the nation’s first integrated wireless broadband and satellite network, which will be a game changer for business and consumers. LightSquared’s unique wholesale business model will lead to dramatically lower prices on the retail level and give consumers a brand-new option for wireless broadband. Under LightSquared’s business plan, a regional carrier will be able to offer cutting-edge technology at highly competitive rates. Retailers will be able to offer innovative products that don’t require customers to sign yet another monthly wireless contract.
What They’re Saying:
GPS Group Seeks Partial Ban on LightSquared